Saturday, September 20, 2008

Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor, and the death of Reaganomics

World markets regains the fleet of foot of new found youth yesterday. Herr Bush's minions 'saved' free wheeling, free dealing, free market capitalism from itself, by buying up the toxic wastes of the financial markets. The rate or taxpayer will foot the bill, and the crooks on Wall Street will get away with fraud. Everyone will breathe more easily, but life for the slogs will become more onerous owing to the large burden of debt, they are and will be shouldering. And let's not forget the Iraq war debt and other follies of Herr Bush. Reaganomics is dead but not buried, and won't be if the subprime meltdown had not like the AID's virus hadn't spread to every corner of the body economica! Milton Friedman has died an inglorious debt, too, for his smash him in the face, brass knuckles, Hobbesian school of eocnomics. Herr Bush & his arse lickers and his awful class of thieves and blood suckers owe a great debt to FDR whose new deal they failed to undo completely. Had the New Deal not set up mechanisms to drag the country out of a depression almost 80 years ago, the US and the world would have tilted towards another Great Depression. So Herr Bush & co won't hated regulation will have to rebuild the wall of China separating commercial from investment or private banking, reform the mortgage markets, so on and on and on. They viscerally cringe in doing this, but do it they shall and will, for their class' very survival depends on it. May Herr Bush & co rot in hell for the deliberate harm they are causing us!

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