Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hank Paulson has sleep night!

The anal hair sytlist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson says that he can sleep at night. Now, ain't that a kick in the head. The man who when he was CEO of Goldman Sachs ruled an empire which help cook up the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme, now see his world crumbling faster than the proverbial cookie. He and the other members of the Wall Street gang of four -- Geithner at the New York Fed, Cox at the Security & Exchange Commission -- have summoned the Wall Street bankers to a meeting this weekend to foist on them the sale of Lehman Brothers. Hardly a week after the 're nationalisation' of Fannie Mae and bring deeply troubled Freddie Mac under Herr Bush's we're against big government wing, the anal hair stylist supremo is faced with more dire to get Lehman off the front pages and restore some confidence in the markets at home and abroad. Will he be able to do another Bear Stearns? We're watching men who may make money, oodles, tonnes of money for themselves and their clients, are stymied and found wanting and incapable of turning around a crisis which is threating the pillars of capitalism for the first time in almost 80 years. [Of course, the economists will say, it's not the same today as it was yesterday. Nonetheless the repercussions are just as disturbing and profound!]Little wonder the anal hair stylist supremo spends sleepless nights. His world is dying in front of his eyes. We're witnessing the 'krash' of Milton Friedmanis which that arse hole Ronald Reagan embaced, and which with the Republicans and some Democrats took government regulation off our backs but loaded us with debt under the incompetent Herr Bush years with debt, rising taxes for all but the very rich, and is sending the US quickly turning the US into a has been as a superpower. We're living in too exciting times when free wheeling, free dealing, free market capitalism is heaving its last breath, and for sure, that means that business as Wall Street wants it done, is passing off the stage. And the subprime mortgage Ponzi meltdown which Paulson & co concoted is at the root of it all. And Bear Stearns and Lehman are the tip of the financial debacle's iceberg. If anything, it shows that this wizards of high finance are incapable, incompetent in handling the crisis. They're flagging their wings wildly, flying from one solution to another, but nothing is working because they're blinded and blind sighted by a decrepite ideology which never allows them to see further than the tip of their high straight noses, and even then hazily. And what makes matters worse, should John McCain become president, this horror story will continue. So Lehman will fail, with or without a buyer, the outstanding subprime bad books are showing sums of trillions in arrears, and these thugs who hold the reins of financial and political power are skating on the edge of disaster which will drown us all. May Paulson have sleepless nights even in death!

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