Thursday, September 4, 2008

Electrifying the Republican choir

If anyone had a doubt as to the Republican party's attack plan on the Obama Biden ticket, well, last night speeches by the Rudy Giuliani and then vice presidental candidate Sarah Palin should put uneasy minds to rest. Executive experience, elitism, celebrity, and a man who really has no public record to stand on, and so it went. Well, lackaday, you'd have thought the Democratic party was responsible for Herr Bush's sorry 8 years in office and the economic misery it has wrought on the American people, were layed on the Obama Biden party's doorstep. Wrong. The campaign to come will be dirty and vicious and from the likes of Palin who fancies herself as a pitbull with lipstick, the beating of the drums of the extreme right wing, be it book burning, guns, imposition of fundamentalist Christian 'shaar'ia' law on everything she touches. McCain chose her, and as 18Brumaire remarked he has delivered his soul utterly to the looney tones right wing, which he endorses. In fact, you may say, he's even to the right of Herr Bush, were that imaginable. Yep, the ultra right wing of Republicans are enthused, smell victory within its reach, and will fight dirty...but they forget one thing Obama Biden are not like supine, courtly John Kerry. It will get as good as it gives and we foresee many bloody noses. An obvious observation, the likes of Giuliani and his thugs are part of the country's elite, no doubt about it; the leading Republican strategists and neocons have ivy league degrees. For them, the world's their oyster, but for the base they do encourage and cultivate guns and religion and the fear of tomorrow.

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