Sunday, September 28, 2008

The more you scratch McCain's image the filty the dirt uncovered!

The Sunday edition of the 'New York Times' online has a revealing and long and well researched and documented article on John McCain's ties to the gambling mafia of the US, and the role his advisors beginning with the suspect Rick Davis of the Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac subsidies in his own personal bank account till the two semi private entities were on the verge of government takeover, and now we find his greedy fingers in the casino honey jar! [Remember the convicted felon Jack Abrams funded his fraud by using casino money till he was brought down by a jury of his peers! and sent to prison where he turned on his own mates. No honour among thieves there...!]. The laundry list of McCain handlers and bundlers grow more and more interesting since they are the scum on the pond of skimming off the government through tax favours and loopholes, and campaign on the fraudulent claims that no one else but them should feed off the public treasury. Throw the rascals in gaol where they really belong. Basta ya! Enough is enough. McCain as president is a laughing job, but seriously speaking should he become Mr. 44, the US is heading for a disaster which would make 9/11 seem like child's play!

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