Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cinday McCain's face says it all! The lady ain't pleased with the 'model' Pulin family!

Anyone fortunate enough to find Jim Wilson's picture of Sarah Palin's hubby and 4 children and Cindy McCain sitting right next to the very knocked up Bristol Palin with her bulging tummy covered up with a blanket holding her younger brother [son?] Trig in Ohio on Friday 29 August 2009, would immediately catch the drift and know that La McCain ain't pleased at all, at all. She looked wooden; some might say cast in wax as though she a wax mannequin in Mme. Tussard's museum. McCain stares out into the middle distance with eyes as cold as ice, with a dead pan expression and more likely than not would've preferred sitting next to anyone else but the saucy Bristol Palin an unwed mother to be! What's coming out in the wash is further questioning of John McCain's judgment, since all indications point to the fact that he didn't vet Palin's candidacy at all, at all. In fact, he made himself hostage to the looney tunes radical right of his party in the name of party unity. The nutters own him. 18Brumaire would like to be a fly on the wall in the McCain's bedroom as Cindy threatens her dolt of a husband for being so stupid as he grasped for straws to sit in the White House! It's now turning out that Sarah Palin has lots to hide; in fact, she once advocated seccesion of Alaska from the US. Oh dear another lost confederate in the Klondike. The editor of 'The Hill', a moderate Republican voice, thought the choice of lady or the tiger...that McCain was either insane or brilliant. Soon we shall know, won't we?

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