Monday, September 8, 2008

Europe laughs at anal hair stylist Paulson desparate move to nationalise Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac; foreign holders of US mortgage happy as pigs shit!

Toilet bowl cleaner & from Fed chief Alan Greenspan perorated that there was no housing bubble! La de dah, he was wrong as he was most of the time. Today as a desperate act to rescue the US economy anal hair stylist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury, along with toilet room attendant Ben Bernanke at the US Fed 'nationalised' Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae. Boy, did that raise loud rolls of laughter across the Atlantic. The free marketeers took a page out of Europe's book! Herr Bush has put into the grave his failed economic programme if you can call it that; other would say, it was the anarchy of the market that prevailed, and what's even more ironic, it is anal hair stylist Paulson who as CEO at Goldman Sachs helped set up the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme which now threatens the world economy! The bathroom attendant Bernanke thought that damage control would settle unstable market with a us$100bn bailout and water level. Wrong. If he can count the figure is over us$500bn and rising fast. Although today's 'glad tidings' buoy world stock markets---China, Japan, southeast Asia, Korea, the petro dollar states sigh with relief that now the US rate or taxpayer will bail them out, it is far from certain that the subprime virus has been stopped and the cure is on hand. At best, no one knows what will happen, but we know the worst: we see not only a bailout for investment banks, but a rescue operation of Fannie & Freddie a la S&L scandal of the early Bush pere administration of 20 years ago. In brief, these high rollers of free market capitalism have learnt nothing! It means that mortgage values are plummeting, foreclosures rising, and at the same time, food, fuel, and the overall standard of US working and middle classes are sinking as they shoulder more trillions of US$ in debt thrown on their backs! Now, the impoverishment of US rate or taxpayers will make them the cheap labour of the world markets for to survive they will work at any price in order to survive. Herr Bush belongs in gaol for ruining the US economy by his stupidty; there in another cell belongs Paulson & his band of greedy thieves in the investment banking community; and more it should be a wake up call for America to throw the rascals who have ruled the US for most of the last 30 years, the Republicans that is with their failed right wing revolution to be put on the dust heap...If the US ever needs change, it is certainly now. But the moment, Herr Bush & co will go from one desperate measure to another like a blind man having lost his sense of where he is!

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