Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A failed dawn raid in Pakistan

US stealth forces from Afghanistan stole early morning into south Wazirstan to find Osama bin Laden & co. They shot up a fair amount of people, some say including women and children, took others away for questioning across the border. Sorry, Charlie, no Osama & co. A failed mission; a desperate mission with a single steel purpose in mind. A surge to get McCain elected president. This raid will cause high indignation in the basket case that is Pakistan where the prime minister was the object of an assassination. It may be the holy month of Ramadam but the byzantine internal warfare in Pakistan continues and very little is done to check mate the growing fundamentalism assault on civil society and an expanding breeding group for Al Qaeda and the Taliban. How could it not be since a large swarth of the military and for sure the intellegience services are hand in glove with the goal of restoring a mythical califate under Shaar'ia law.

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