Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The seemingly never ending blood letting in the marketplace!

The blood letting continues. Anal hair stylist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson is slipping and sliding on all the blood on the world's exchanges. He's taken a gamble by letting Lehman fail and saving Merrill Lynch, but it ain't holding. Suddenly, he's twisting arms of JPM say to lend up to us$70bn to the ailing AIG which it too will belly up soon enough. And then there's Washington Mutual which is tottering over its own grave site. And the bank failures continue, and with each failure, the yaw opens wider, for where will it end? No one knows. Then there's the credit card crisis, the student loan crisis, the auto loans crisis, the huge and growing ogre of personal debt, and the US government's ballooning debt which will put the squeeze on the US rate or taxpayer whose standing of living is sinkiing as fast as the sun does in the west.
And the anal hair stylist supremo waxes confidant that the fundamentals are good. They ain't, old cock. A bold reform is needed but you won't find that chez Paulson or among Herr Bush's flunkies. And then there's old Wall Street as Paulson knows it, which is on its way out. He should remember Shelley's 'ode to the west wind'...if Bear, Lehman, & Merrill are gone, is not the fate of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs not far behind? And the answer is yes...
If you listen or read the US media you get not only on the whole a distorted and ahistorical view of the crisis but sharp criticism that firewalls didn't work to prevent the crisis. Why should they?They have been torn down under Reaganomics and Milton Friedman baloney economics...The New Deal put in place the Glass Steagal [sic] Act which erected a high Chinese wall between commerical and investment or private banking, and that held till a Republic congress with some Democratic support, bulldozed it in the 1990's, and then lax or hardly any regulation let the banking houses play havoc with the turmoil and carnage we see today. Paulson is against regulation; McCain, too. So here we are under Herr Bush not only has the US failed up and down the line in foreign policy but domestic policy, too, but not for the thugs with a life style of nabobs who are the ones Paulson & McCain & Herr Bush really consider worth saving.

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