Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Il Signor Paulson sheds tears that would drown a school of crocodiles

Il signor Paulson aka anal hair stylist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury is affliged. He 'suffers' the pain of the slogs on main street. He never is going to admit he's part of the subprime mortgage Ponzi scheme meltdown which he as CEO of Goldman Sachs helped set. No, not he...he's blameless as Pontius Pilot...he's washing his hands of the blame but at the same time shedding cocodile tears at the state of the US' and world's financial markets, and is yes wanting to do something about it to the tune of us$700bn rate or taxpayer dollars. But he and his unindicted co conspirator the bathroom attendant & US Fed chief Ben Bernanke, are clever by half. Il signor Paulson has donned the Roman toga and fancied himself as a Cipolla the magician in Thomas Mann's 'Mario & the magician'...he's cast himself in a 3 page memo to Congress as Mussolini re the new Tsar of finance to lead us poor children out of the land of debt to the land of milk and honey of prosperity. Yep, the foxes are in the hen house still! He wants a blank cheque which he ain't going to get. People know how to read 3 pages and see il Signor's plan for the Ponzi scheme it is. Imagine, letting Paulson hire outside consultants from failed Wall Street houses to handle the us$700bn bailout! You've gotta be kidding, old weaver of corporate anal hairs! Cry as much as you want, but your days are over, and lucky you you won't be thrown in the slammer where you rightfully below.

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