Monday, September 22, 2008

Anal hair stylist supremo Hank Paulson now fancies himself as Il Duce of Finance!

Anal hair sytlist supremo Hank Paulson & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson is itching to don a Roman toga and have himself proclaimed Il Duce of Finance! US$700bn bailout for his band of Wall Street theives who like anal hair stylist Hank Paulson created the subprime mortgages, swaps, and like sophisticated financial instruments, now wants a 'blank cheque' to bail them out of the mess that they created. And puppet McCain advised by UBS' Phil Gramm now even wants foreign banks like UBS, Credit Suisse, et al., to drink from the oasis of the US bailout. Imagine! Well, it's true. The very filth and vermin who have lived high on the hog during the horrible mismanagement of Herr Bush, are looking to do what they want without any transparency, without any hard love, and continue to pulldown multiple million dollar salaries and bonuses and dispose of the debt on the books--the true amount we really haven't the slightest klew as to how much and us$700bn is a ballpark figure hidding an even more astronomical cesspool of debt!. And of course the middle classes will have to drink the bitter bowl of tea whilst these petty tyrants fiddle while the middle classes standard of living burns to ashes and are even more impoverished. Herr Bush's thugs are taking a page out of Signore Mussolini, for those with short memories, coined the term fascism, and under whom the banks did very well, as they did under militarist Japan, and Herr Hitler's Germany. A crisis of capitalism, yes, but with reactionary models and more suffering for the ordinary slogs! And Signor Paulson thinks he's the reincarnation of Mussolini...

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