Monday, September 15, 2008

Anal hair stylist Paulson takes a hardline. It won't work?

Markets are down. Anal hair stylist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson won't bail out Lehman Brothers who are hiding behind a chapter 11 defence to delay payments on its debts as he begins the sorry business either of paring itself down to a small player or simply going the way of all flesh to extinction. Paulson drawing the line in the sand at a Lehman bailout comes a week after he 'renationalised' Fannie Mae & brought Freddie Mac under government's wing. He couldn't do anything but that since they were and are public entities alas run on inefficient private lines. However Paulson did his old mate John Thain from Goldman and of late NYSE Exocet, now CEO of Merrill Lynch, a good turn, he married Merrill's future to that of Bank of America's though a us$50bn buyout. So 'une pierre, deux coups'. Well that won't solve the crisis which will run into the us$trillions. Paulson didn't invite the cash rich hedge funds and venture capitalists to the weekend meeting of old Wall Street houses to save Lehman. He could have, and Lehman might have found a white knight. Why not? you ask. Well, for one thing, inviting the young wolves to the bargaining table would bring the wolf into the Wall Street chicken house; the new boys with money would push Paulson & co who are responsible along with Reagonics thanks to Milton Friedman Ponzi economics, out...and that is something the anal hair stylist isn't inclined to do. He wants the big boys who got us into the mess to rescue. Heroes? Nay fools. Blinded by ideology of the free market they are still taking the tree for the forest, and so the US and the world are facing a 1931 depression look alike. Paulson has proved himself a weak reed, and an incompetent...he and the bathroom attendant Ben Bernanke at the US Fed are scrambling for any straw in the wind. But the crisis AIG might go belly up and so the dominoes in the assurance industry will totter and may fall in a row. What's Paulson going to do about that. And the rising unemployment? the rising cost of living? Apparently little or nothing. Paulson is playing with low cards, and he won't beat the dealer of economic fortunes. And this puts Herr Bush in more bad light since he's nothing only an incompetent but a braying Texas jackass, and where does this leave the cadaverous Jim McCain out on a limb praying for a miracle. The tragedy continues....

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