Monday, September 22, 2008

Livni & Netanyahu join hands?

Tzni Livni is aching to become Israel's prime minister, the first woman to rise to this high office since the no nonsense bulldozer Gold Meir a quarter century ago. She's now inviting her old party head Benjamin Nethanyahu to hold hands with her in forming a coalition government which wouldn't buckle under the splinter religious parties' perennial threats to bring down the government. Such a 'union sacree' augurs bad for Palestinians, to state the obvious. Nethanyahu would like them to disappear; Livni has a more nuanced approached although the object is more or less the same. The new coalition government if Nethanyahu agrees to join spells the end of any Palestinian state other than disparate small Bantustans on the west bank; of the Zionist goal of a Jewish state since Israel will have more Arabs than Jews; and the endless political instability. Let's not forget Livni's suckled the teat of Ze'ev Jabotinsky's extreme right wing ideology from the cradle; she's the daughter of a rabid, ultra Zionist, and although she paints a pretty face she's still her father's daughter. She won't nor cannot bring stability and peace to Israel until the Palestinian question is solved, which it looks more as though it is going to be liquidated! Stormy days ahead, me hearties!

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