Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AIG nationalised!

Things have to be very bad for a Republican administration like Herr Bush's to nationalise AIG, the failed assurance company with worldwide tentacles. No bank would belly up to the bar to bail it out, so public authorities had to. New York state's gouvenor David Patterson stepped in quickly with a us$20bn loan. AIG assures the state. And then the anal hair stylist & US secretary of the Treasury Paulson and his co conspirator bathroom attendant & US Fed head Ben Bernanke put AIG into receivership with a 2 year loan amounting in all to almost us$90bn of the tax payers monies, translation social security cushions, pension funds, to save irresponsible private industry from themselves! So the government may gain on the deal since AIG is really in chapter 7, liquidation, and so bits and pieces of it will be sold off during the next two years. Saying this, the markets are momentarily stablised, but the crisis is hardly over. Why? Well the fools like Paulson & Bernanke and surely the dumbnut Herr Bush are not demanding the highly leveraged banks and AIG which had become a hedgefund of sorts, open their public to public scrutiny. These leaders of finance and government haven't the foggiest klew as to the high degree of debt that is out there, the solidity of assets, so on and on. They're in the catbird's seat but don't demand openness. Why? you ask again. They're prisoners of their own ideological blindness. Loathe as they are to government intervention, they are intervening to save their class but hardly the rate or taxpayer whose monies are bailing out these crooks and incompetents. No regulation, they say. And of course, their very actions show the bankruptcy of free wheeling, free dealing, free market capitalism. As such, the US and yes the world's markets are on the edge of a depression. By shotgun marrying a failed bank with commerical banks like JPMorgan & Bear Stearns & Bank of America & Merrill Lynch, the government ruled by these bloodsuckers are compounding the crisis. No transparency demanded by them, no open books, no laws for showing true value of assets, well, we simply are like the monkey chasing its tail in a circle of gloom and doom. So who's next? one has to ask...will it be credit cards? student loans?
on and on and on...Do breathe too easy investors. You may wonder why there's little public outcry. Well one, in hard times, everyone's scrambling to survive, but two, more importantly, owing to 401[k]'s, everyone has been encouraged to take a stake in casino capitalism, so everyone wisely or unwisely has a portfolio, and his pension fund is heavy leveraged, so the crisis hits every and unevenly since the hungry sharks make sure the little man bleeds and gets eaten by the crisis but the big bloodsuckers get out with few scratches. And that's the meaning of AIG's nationalisation and eventual demise.

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