Monday, September 22, 2008

The death of Reagonics, the banishing of Friedmanism, and the demise of Wall Street!

The economic crisis which is shaking the pillars of world capitalism is burying Reagonics, banishing for a while Milton Friedman economics to the island of Laputa, and ending Wall Street as we know it. But with Signor anal hair stylist Hank Paulson at the Treasury donning a Roman toga a la Mussolini, the capitalists who set up the subprime Ponzi meltdown are now queuing up for taxpayers' largess. Government should punish these folks severely so that they will learn that if like children they put wandering hands on the financial stove they will get burnt severely! Let's hope the Democrats in the houses of Congress will put severe restrictions on what the bailout will brief, they should dollop out large servings of hard love on this rascals most of whom deserve to be in gaol and not free to plunder the public anymore. Yet, the like of Signor Paulson like the fabulous roc are like reborn Christians who piously mouth platitudes but go on doing business as usual. Let them suffer as the small people are and make them pay back the public from their own private wealth accounts for the fraud that they've perpetrated!

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