Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why say Herr Bush, anal hair stylist, toilet bowl cleaner, and bathroom attendent

18Brumaire has received queries as to why he refers to president Bush as Herr Bush; to US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson as anal hair stylist supreme; to Alan Greenspan as the toilet bowl cleaner; and to US Fed chief Ben Bernanke as bathroom attendent. British newspapers in the 1930's referred to Adolf Hitler as Herr Hitler, and in many ways small and larger, president Bush displays the same meglomanic pretensions and a penchant for the totalitarian, and so he rightfully deserves being called Herr Bush. Anal hair stylist, well, it a translation from the French for 'peigne cul', the small brush which sycophants, brown nosers, and apple polishers. Using 'peigne cul' as a such would mean nothing to an English speaking and reading audience. Anal hair stylist supremo Hank Paulson deserves this qualifier the more especially since he does everything to braid and gently stroke the anal hairs of his blood sucking financial capitalists. Toilet bowl cleaner for the awful Alan Greenspan is apt. Since he has done everything to wipe clean the enormous bowl of shit that he allowed the financial industry to fill and overflowed to become what is known as thde subprime Ponzi scheme meltdown, and what's more, he knew better yet dispensed with sanitary paper for Herr Bush to wipe his arse with the fortunes of taxpayers. Bathroom attendant for Ben Bernanke: he hands out the towels and opens the taps for the fat cats, coupon clippers, corrupt and putrefying corpse of finance capitalism to wash their shit stained hands. Each in own way deserve prison.

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