Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The CIA discovers that Pakistan's InterServicesIntelligence is in league with the Taliban and al Qaeda

Were I am an American citizen I would ask for my tax monies back. What the hell has the CIA been doing? Anyone can go to a good public library or a well stocked book shop in the endless malls that grace the heartland of America, and find books that will tell you as much, to wit, that Pakistan's CIA the ISI has been in bed with the Taliban since the dictatorship of General Zia Ul Haq who died mysteriously in an aeroplane bombing along with the US ambassador and a slew of Pakistani generals 30 years ago. Herr Bush knows this but he's ill conceived stroking the feathers of Pakistan, a state founded on Islam, has gone to the extremes in foreign and domestic policy. It boggles the imagination once again the failure of US intelligence services to see what is plainly right before their eyes. Everyone shrieked, 'Horrors', when senator Obama suggested that since Islamabad won't take care of the Taliban and al Qaeda for whom Pakistan is a haven, we 'nuke 'em'. Obama's knew what he was talking about when he suggested this as a threat to spur Mushareff to action. It didn't happen, but Obama once again saw what other preferred not seeing and played the ostrich with its pink arse exposed for all to see. Pakistan and the ISI won't let Afghanistan free of its influence nor its grip, and thus, the collusion between the ISI and the Taliban and al Qaeda and the freedom the latter two have in the Waziristans. Herr Bush has proven himself to be a witless idiot, once again, and his own spy outfits won't tell him anything and with reluctance, the fool in the Oval Office doesn't want to hear.

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