Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Anal hair stylist Hank Paulson @ Bathroom attendant Ben Bernanke give stupid a bad name

Picking nits out of his beard, bathroom attendant& US Fed chair Ben Bernanke after long and slow deliberation has come up with goosey loosey suggestions to handle the subprime Ponzi scheme meltdown, and with foggy vision has come to the conclusion that the crisis in financial and housing markets will go well beyond 2008. Lord love a duck! This highly paid fool find wisdom at the bottom of his cognac snifter which the ordinary man or woman on the street could have told him lmonths earlier. He really does not care for him or her; he's looking to cushion the fat cats of finance capitalism who designed cdo's, svu's, abs, which got us in to the hot water that the US and yes Europe and Asia are in. His rescue of Bear Stearns was a Faustian deal for it send the markets that he is protecting into free fall. Look at anal hair stylist supremo and US secretary of the Treasury who has little time to deal with the recession. He's luxuriating in the lap of luxury in London or on the European continent or clinking cups of cheer with his Chinese masters. From his aery perch of comfort, he's come to the same conclusion as the bathroom attendant, and what's more, he ain't exactly rushing to cushion foreclosures in the US which will go well beyond 5 million and still counting. Rather, the anal hair stylist is braiding the anal hairs of his class and making damn well sure that they're not going to suffer the indignities of life that working people do! What's very clear: these two fools have the royal third finger up this anus, going mad with delight, and delaying any real recourse to the horrible shape the US is in, till Herr Bush is cutting wood in Crawford, Texas as an ex president who has much explaining to do.

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