Sunday, July 20, 2008

Anal hair stylist Hank Paulson the whore of corporate America

You do not need to do sums on the finger of one hand to see what anal hair stylist & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson is up to. He's the whore of corporate America, or more to the point Milton Friean economics. Listen to this weaver of the financial community's anal hairs; listen to his words, he's putting down the structure for a corporate state, one in which the financial community and transnational corporation can forever and forever world without end can and will plunder the US rate or taxpayer's purse, to bail out banks and corporation who commit large scale fraud and plunder. The sooner he goes, the better. The sooner the crud of the Bush bloodsuckers leave office, the better. We need a re enforcing of lax government regulation which the likes of Herr Bush's friends have brought the US and the world to the edge of financial ruin. What Paulson and his mafia of banks and foreign governments is looking for is a sleepy public which will bear the pain of being looted without complaint. If there were justice, Paulson should be working in a prison kitchen or being someone's bitch in a padded cell.

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