Monday, July 21, 2008

Anal hair stylist Hank Paulson opens US taxpayers to foreign plunder

Anal hair stylist supremo & US secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson and the bathroom attendant & US Fed chief Ben Bernanke are lowing lines of credit to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The immediate result was the rush for shares from foreign governments and investors at bargain basement rates. No secret as to why. It's a win situation for the holders of Freddie and Fannie stock; no matter how poorly they perform, the ordinary US rate or taxpayer is going to fit the bill. Great, ain't it? It didn't occur to these arseholes to nationalise Freddie and Fannie; Freddie was a government owned entity before it became a 'private' company quoted on the New York exchange, and Fannie was created to spur good old fashioned competition with it. What is plain as the nose on your face, these fools Herr Bush put into office serve the financial class to which they are wedded to lock, stock, and barrel. The quicker we kick their arses out of office the better for the country since they and their predecessors are guilty of sleeping on the job and letting the rich plunder the US economy for selfish gains...and now the barn door is open for everyone else to feast on the corpse of a dying US economy.

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