Thursday, July 10, 2008

Iran tests rocket, Washington & Jerusalem have a hizzy fit

Iran's Revolutionary Guard's second, and this time at night, testing of advances in rocket technology has caused a hizzy fit in Washington and Jerusalem. Teheran's tests have even had US secretary of state Condoleeza Rice take to the air waves shaking a weak fist at Iran. We'll defend our allies, meaning bully Israel, against Iran's attack. Brava for the bravado, Condy! As 18Brumaire noted, Iran is playing tit for tat in a game of diplomatic chicken. Israel threatens Iran with rockets; the US menaces war with Iran. So when the shoe suddenly is on Washington's or Jerusalem's foot, it pinches painfully, as it should. The two bullies have met their match, and there's little short of war, which doesn't rule out the use of Israel's 125 nuclear bombs, that they can do. Teheran's belled the two bullies' cat. Washington and Jerusalem may grow nostalagic for the days when they could bowl over the region but they're long gone and lost in the mists of pipe dreams. Of course irrational forces may prevail and either one or the other bully may begin a military response which would short of atomic destruction, weaken the two tin horn sheriffs and ultimately lead to the collapse of the Zionist state and a stinging defeat for the US military which already is too stretched and badly engaged in war that one that cannot win [Iraq] or two muddle through for long years having dumbly given up the initiative [Afghanistan] for a mirage of victory in Iraq. And what's more, now, they've to contend with a frisky Pakistan, an unreliable ally at best, within whose borders the Taliban and radical Islamist fighters have found a comfortable haven and from which they can attack with almost certain impunity NATO forces in Afghanistan.

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