Wednesday, March 26, 2008

John McCain the voice of black reaction

John McCain has spit out his contempt at Herr Bush's attempt to rescue Bear Stearns from bankruptcy and Congress for attempts to alleviate the effects of the subprime scam which is weighing onerously on the shoulders of homeowners. A Grandgrind he, no rescue...let them eat cake & all that. Not only is the tub boat admiral a no nothing in foreign affairs, but he's a neanderthal when it comes to economics. Should he become president, boy, is the US in for 4 years which will make Herr Bush's 8 years of incompetency look as though they were worthy of a Nobel prize in goverance. More, the tub boat admiral is a war monger of the first order who is endowed with a one thought mind. He knows nothing, learns nothing, and alas for us should he and his band of neo con thugs come to power, he will hasten further the decline of everything that we think of as the US.

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