Monday, March 31, 2008

The anal hairstylist Hank Paulson's scam

If anyone thinks that the anal hairstylist at the US Treasury Hank Paulson's plan to bring order to shaky financial markets, think again, my friends! It's pure and simple sugar coating, pie in the sky, eyewash, call it what you will. The plan won't do much to calm markets, nor as the pundits keep saying turn the corner on the crisis, it simply will make the situation more fragile. For if anything this anal hairstylist is doing everything to save his class' hold on capitalism. It won't do that at all. It is a desperate ploy on the part of a failed and desperate presidency which the subprime scam has shown it hollowness and vacuity. If anything Paulson's plan won't the ugly warts of finance capitalism which stands butt naked in all its shame. Herr Bush's anal hairstylist is playing for time, with an insouciance of a Louis XV...who as we all learnt in our lessons...or should have...uttered these telling words, 'apres moi, le deluge'. Apres Herr Bush is more misery and pain and the fall from grace of the American imperium. The US waits at its peril not to rise up and boldly challenge Herr Bush. His band of thugs are trying to bury the serious reforms that Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd are struggling to bring to legislation which would put a leash around the neck of the enraged dog which is Wall Street. More power to them! Throw Paulson to the wolves!

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