Monday, March 24, 2008

Cheney in Israel & Palestine

18Brumaire might be reading too much into vice president Dick Cheney's pledge that the US won't let Israel down, and Israel has to do more to sign a peace deal with the Palestinian authority. Cheney, let's suppose, came to Israel to read Olmert the riot act. The US outwardly will talk tough but Israel has to sacrifice its demands so that Palestine becomes a reality and joins the ranks of nations.
The US holds the purse strings and the power over Israel. So Olmert is going to have to sing for his supper. Lest we forget the US rate or taxpayer has had to fund for the past 60 years the state of Israel to the tune of trillions of us dollars which would better be served to improve the lot of Americans. More, Herr Bush's record in office is abominable, and he needs a win to make that record look less dirty and dingy than it is. So a peace accord is in the wind, and Olmert will have to stop settlements, agree on an Arab Jerusalem, and repatriate its rabid settlers to within its borders, not totally but enough to make Palestine a midldly viable political entity. Time is running out, and Herr Bush will twist Israel's tail for its own means. Which underscores that Israel is a client state of the US, and will hop when Washington cracks the whip, and American Jews will have to like or lump it, and ain't that the truth.

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