Monday, March 3, 2008

Israeli hawks' hand stayed?

Israel has withdrawn tanks and troops from Gaza. Palestinians bury their dead and defiantly protest the latest Israeli murderous assaults there. The Israeli bury war dead. Tel Aviv is denounced in the UN Security Council, by the European Union, and arouses the revulsion of civilised nations and folk the world over. But it cares not a tinker's damn. It will pursue its imperial policy to crush Hamas and 'enslave' the Palestinians of Gaza. Mahmoud Abbas was forced by the imperatives of events to call off the 'peace talks' with the warlike Olmert government. He couldn't do anything but thing but that if he wished to retain a shred of dignity for his Fetah or for the Palestinian people. Secretary of state Condy Rice is flying off to jump start the dead in the water road map to peace. A vain, futile effort which clearly shows the bankruptcy of Herr Bush's total support of Israel.
The Israelis have not learnt a thing. Hamas and the Palestinians will resist till the last man, and it seems that Olmert is pursuing the Zionist dream of cleansing 'eretz israel' of the land that belongs to the Palestinians. Let no one be fooled by the false notes of peace coming from the pipers in Tel Aviv, they want nothing but total subjugation of the Palestinians to their own will, and they shall settle for nothing less.
And yet the world remains silent. The EU have bought Herr Bush's and Israel line that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and that in spite of it being democratically elected by its own people, it deserves nothing but contempt and eradication. Israel is pursuing a burnt earth policy but no Arab government says boo. Even Hezbullah in Lebanon is silent. Once again the world's great power and public opinion acquiese in the mass murder and enslavement of a people. And you wonder haven't we learnt anything since the two world wars, Vietnam, Iraq, and the numerous byzantine wars in Africa? Apparently little, it seems.

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