Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dump the anal hairstylist Hank Paulson

Dump Hank Paulson at the US Treasury. The overwhelming forces of tumult in the market which began with the collapse of the subprime deck of cards which he as CEO Goldman Sachs contributed greatly to the elaboration of CDO's, ABS' and the like which shook the temple of finance capital worldwide, has caused him like Alice's Red Queen to run faster to keep in place. Now he's come up with a 'bold' plan to staunch the flow of blood in markets by envisioning more oversight. Eyewash! He is trying to save selfishly the perogatives of his bloodsucking class who rule nations' economies. It won't work. He's trying to forestall the inevitable which means putting a tight leash of regulation in the financial community to return a wholesome degree of stability in the markets. Ultimately he or a man with broader vision will have to do this. Paulson is a throwback to the bad times of the Great Depression, a mossback who belongs in a museum. Throw the bastard out! This is an idle cry, perhaps, but it does say that under Herr Bush's regime everything that tin horn sheriff has touched has turned to dust...We need people with balls who won't be afraid to do bold things...yes, someone like FDR who came into office without much of a programme but meet the challenges of the Great Depression without batting an eyelash. Paulson ain't from that cut of the wood; he would save his class of thugs and thieves and let Rome burn; FDR slapped his class into doing what he abhorred most but saved capitalism from the very people who are dumb and inefficient and crude and who alas have lived another day to ruin this country. Send Paulson back to what he is good at...combing the anal hairs of the rich!

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