Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Beijing & Athens & the EU

Tibetan protesters tried demonstrating at the site of Greece's Olympics hallowed ground in Athens. At the urging of the Chinese government and embassy, Greek police were on hand to harass the demonstrators whilst Chinese embassy staff filmed them. The curator of the 'sacred' site of the original Olympics uttered in mock shock the horror that the Tibetans were committing a sacrilege...at least he bit his tongue had he thought of blurting out a 'blasphemy' [sic]. Yet the young Tibetans proved strong and tried and tried again to protest the brutal Chinese suppression of the Tibetan people, their culture, and their identity. At least the BBC were on hand to challenge the police and the Chinese officials who claimed they were 'journalists'.
China's careful plans to show off what a model of 'democracy' and 'progress' it is has received a Scot shower on its designs. The smiling face of accomodation is ripped off and there we see the monster of Tienamen. Beijing hasn't changed a wit when it comes to pushing its interests.
It is accusing the Dalai Lama of masterminding the whole revolt to embarass China, and spitting out 'splittist' or 'splittism' with every salve of saliva it can muster. Beijing has split its own wooden newspeak so many times, it will take them a long while to pick out the splinters of its own making.
After 49 years of brutal and often deadly rule in Tibet, it has never succeeded in suppressing once and for all Tibetan nationalism. Red China should read its own text about the power of revolt and nationalism and the right of self determination, but what is good for the goose in this case is not good for the gander.
China will have to live with its shame, but the feckless EU and Herr Bush will not boycott the summer Olympics in Beijing. Oh would that they did! But perhaps athletes will shun them. Whatever the case China can no longer claim it has established a thousand year Reich in Tibet!

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