Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Youth the conscience of the nation

Eight years of Bush's mean government for the rich, have awaken sleepy student America. They have become energised by the primaries and by some of the more charismatic candidates for the Republican and Democratic parties for the White House. They are articulate but vague as to what they think the US needs other than change and a breath of fresh air, or a big broom to sweep out the special interests on K street and the congress. Compared to the students of the 1960's be they in the US or France or Japan or elsewhere, these American students do match up well. They have less learning and have been feed on the pap of factionalism which the post modernists and post colonialists served up in the universities.
Change will come for that is the law of life, but like babies these students will have to learn to crawl, then walk and talk and try to make up for the years of the blight on the American mind. Speaking of blight has anyone read the broadsheets and the crap in American journalism or the stilted wooden language on the airwaves which the mini mouse Bush's henchmen are giving away to the greedy few multi billion dollar corporation who are dumbing down the American electorate. A tale of caution in the mind control which has seized the land can be found in Per Wahloo's '33 floor'. Look for it if it is in print!

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