Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's recession, stupid!

Goldman Sachs is not a sounding board for the investment banking community in shouting loud and clear that the US is in recession. Of course they're calling for steep cuts in the prime interest rate to allow the dykes to open for liquidity. But these very fools have done much harm in throwing the country and perhaps the world into recession. The housing bubble. Goldman Sachs & co have greedily sliced and diced and sold off cleaver financial instruments to the greedy who saw nothing about cheap money, exploitation of the poor who couldn't sustain high fees, on the mirage of an ever expanding housing markets where the conflated houses would quadruple in value. No more. The mirage is a desert of debt and foreclosures and oases of liquidity long dried up. There is no easy to capital to seek safe tax or investment havens. The timing was bad for these bloodsuckers who are flailing in a volitile sea of low tides as they wallow in the mud of despair.
The financiers will simply have to lump it. Asian banks and sovereign funds may come to the rescue at a price but oh what a price! A loss of cock of the walk in the world. There is no pity for the small guys and gals who will be thrown out of work or picked up at lower earning power or the blight these turds who invented cdo's & the like...or have cut their la la land living style and only breath the rarefied air of wealth and power as others income have sunk or remained stagnant. They are looking only for their survival...and will sink with ther titanic of subprime debt with lifebelts for their usual, rotten class. In the meantime, like Lampedusa's Prince of Salinas, they will sell a good part of themselves to remain comfortable in the dung heap of finance capital with all the immondice of the world which they call home. Let them all go to hell...let them live in the deepest circle of Dante's Inferno. In other days as Sacha Guity's 'Si Versailles m'etait conte' sang through the voice of Edith Piaf, they like the Bourbons of old...would be ... like 'les artrisocrats, on les pendra!'. They would like Mussoline be strung upside down on a lamp light with genitalia stuffed in their greedy mouths!

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