Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rockets over Israel

Days before mini mouse Bush's junket to Israel and Palestine's west bank territories, with its sprawling illegal Israeli settlements and crisscrossed with roads and checkpoints, to keep Palestinians in their place and confined to bantustans, two Katusha rockets fired from Lebanon fell on a northern Israeli town causing some property damage. The Israeli authorities have no idea, nor see any reason as to who launched them, nor why at this moment. Well, Henny Penny the sky has not fallen on Tel Aviv's head. Prime minister Olmert won't dare say in public that the rockets came from Hazbullah territory in southern Lebanon, the more especially since his war in Lebanon broke its teeth partly on a resounding defeat by Hasbullah, and that a recent Israeli government report judged Olmert's preemptive war a serious failure and a damage to Tel Aviv's agressive war policy towards its neighbours.
The rockets fell on north Israel as a warning to Israel, for its over the top war against the legally elected Hamas government in the Gaza strip. Its murderous policy and its onerous measures to cower the Gazans through tried and true means practised by the British against the Boers, the Spanish against the Cubans, and the Nazis against the Jews in ghettos and later concentration camps, and other captive populations in the lands Hitler deemed necessary for his policy of Lebensraum for settlement of his Aryan Germans. The idea of Lebensraum is ever present in Israeli settlement in the occupied territories -- and some in Israel think that Sharon made a monumental mistake in pulling out the Gaza strip. The Israeli ideology is based on the bible which is not sound on imperial expansion, but will do to deprive the Palestinians of their rightful homeland.
So rockets fell from Lebanon on Israel as a warning and as a means to give breathing spell to the Palestinians in Gaza whom the Israeli authorities are depriving of food, water, electricity, and the like, and where the Tsuhal come and go as they please killing and maining the civilian population.
Still, one thing is certain, the Israeli in more than 40 years occupation have not quelled the spirit of resistance against its racist and colonial occupation. And the fight continues.

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