Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Israel & Gaza, the elephant & the ant

America's National Public Radio had a teary story on the effects of rockets launched from Gaza by Hamas on the samll Israeli town 2km away. A sad story no doubt. A mother on valium; her children frightened, suffering mildly by the fear that a rocket may blow them up. A human interest story. But where is the human interest story about the Israeli airforce's bombs that blow up innocent Palestians in Gaza; or children shot by an invading army; or the economic blockade which is reducing the population to a starvation level; or the sealing of borders denying fuel for heating and on and on and on...? Well you just won't get it on NPR. The American mantra is Hamas is evil, so those living under its governance are by extension guility...and thus Israel violates international agreements it signed by enforcing collective guilt. And the US hardly breathes a word unless Israel is condemned by the UN and then Washington will either exercise its veto which it has done many times in the past to save it's client's arse...or will twist arms to water down any harsh criticism of Israel.
Gold Meir the tough broad who was Labour's prime minister famously quipped, the Palestinian people, there is no such thing. And every government left, centre, and especially the right is guided by a Zionist ideology drived by racism and nationalism, not unlike the fascists in Europe of 80 years ago. Israel can not apply a final solution to what they call Judea & Samaria or the west bank or Palestine let alone Gaza, but by gosh they're going to try to turn them into a servile helot population, and the world can like it or not. Well, Olmert & co who are direct descendents of Beta the Zionist fascist movement of the 30's, you simply forget a simple lesson which the Vietnames taught the American. Oppression breeds resistance, and which is poetically put in the tale of the elephant and the ant to celebrate the defeat of the mighty Ming emperor at the hands of the peasant Vietnames.

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