Monday, January 28, 2008

Israel's soufflet falls in the face of Hamas bold moves

The world media, with some exceptions, simply report that the Olmert government will now supply Gaza with fuel, food, medicine, so on and on. But they play down the boldness of Hamas' blowing up the Israel wall in the Sinai which along with its closing of Israeli's border with Gaza, turned it into a ghetto not unlike Warsaw. Yes, Warsaw...Olmert's policy aimed at starving the Palestinians in Gaza into starvation and submission in the pursuit of a policy of collective guilt because of Hamas' steadfast refusal to recognize the suzerainty of Tel Aviv over the life and death of Palestinians in the occupied territories. Olmert met defeat again by Hamas' action, but with less loss of life than Israel did in Olmert's mad war against Hizbollah and ultimately all of Lebanon two years ago. But all this is swept under the carpet owing to a collectively shared bias against Palestinians and Arabs.

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