Friday, January 18, 2008

Would you buy a house or a used car from Bush or Bernanke?

No, 18Brumaire definitely wouldn't. The economic downturn in the US has reached a point where government statics which can be twisted and turned to prove falsely that we're having two chickens in our pot, are showing that the economy is in recession--how deep? is another matter, and that the subprime mortgage ponzi scheme has collapsed and that debacle is hurting the super rich which Herr Bush and his toilet bowl cleaner Alan Greenspan favoured, and to whom the men's bathroom attendant Benanke does too. Mini mouse Bush and non chalent Benanke who till a day or two ago sold the snake oil of economic recovery, are now forced by the laws of capitalism to ride to the rescue of the uber rich whose wealth and interests the downward business cycle threaten. Don't expect the likes of a Donald Trump or a member of the Walton family or a George Steinbrenner to jump from a tall building as the plutocrats did in Herr Bush is riding on his old, tired nag of croney capitalism to the rescue. He's willing to for[e]go his tax cuts which have filled the deep pockets of the rich with filthy ill gotten gains, and throw some crumbs to the small people who are being thrown out of work, house, and home; who are tightening belts tighter to survive; who have no healthcare, no funds to pay for children's education, no nothing in a country with fabulous wealth. Why? Bush has thrown all his weight to his class and dismissed with his sickening accent any concern for those not to the manor born or who have money. Fifty million Americans have no healthcare, because the laws favour a greedy health insurance industry; cannot pay university fees because government money goes to college endownments; no parks, no day care centres, why? for the simple reason dumb officials whom we put in office get big kickbacks from corporations and to whom they give tax money free. No real jobs. They're outsourced, and by outsourced, 118Brumaire means white and blue collar jobs. With a weak dollar and we've not seen this in the press yet, outsourcing is turning into a nightmare for the companies who kicked Americans out of work, for higher profits in lands where you pay the locals a pittance. Why? outsourcing has increased costs by 50 per cent...And on and on it goes...So gentle readers, it's a 'sauve qui peut'! or a scramble for the rich to have their creatures in government like dolthead Bush and broomsweeper Benanke to throw them a life line. And for the 150 other million Americans...from the poor to the middle class and to the upper middle class...well we will get a pittance at that and bromides to be strong and face the hard times on our own without the relief of our taxes which go to the super rich who never play their full share. Let the wrath of the people fall on the head of the verim like Bush & his rotten barrel of big fish!

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