Saturday, January 19, 2008

A shot in the arm

The world's press show the same picture: Mini mouse George Bush with gloomy, mean spirited Cheney and mournful Paulson behind him, at a press conference announcing a shot in the arm of us$145bn to stave off recession. They all look as though they are sitting shiva'h at neoliberal capitalism wake. Tomorrow's Sunday 'New York Times' magazine has a picture of the bathroom attendant Bernanke chief chimney sweeper at the US Fed, in a statesman like pose and under him a capition, 'can he keep us from recession'. What a meaningless string of words, for the US is in recession and the end is hardly in sight. It's a downwards business cycle which neither the puny measures of doltish Bush and his hired hands of Wall Street can do much for, the more especially they have favoured policies and measures which have bred the current crisis. Will a tax cut of us$600 this year help the poor sod who is losing his house? or his job? or paying off a mountain of consumer debt?
If wooden head Bush had any courage he would have put America's capitalism on life support and ballooned the debt to the roundly sum of us$2 trillion, get out of Iraq, and push for the ending of deep tax welfare cheques for his super rich class. Well he won't, and since he's hardly an ounce of brains of his blood sucking class the economy is going to spin out of control and the country will go deeper into recession.
Yes, Bush & his acolytes have much to worry about, to save the privileges of the super rich whom they favour. They do not care a whit for the 99 per cent of Americans who in varying degrees sweat to survive. America's capitalism is at a turning point, but which way it is going to go is a matter much in doubt...probably to further militarisation internally to keep the restive natives in line.

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