Monday, January 7, 2008

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, well, it must be a recession

No one among the candidates is talking about recession, nor about the subprime meltdown in a serious way. Where are the position papers? Recent unemployment figures are proof that the US is sinking deeper in recession no matter what the hand tailored suited economists and bankers say on the BBC or CNN or NPR or any other network. And what about the sinking dollar? And the jobs?
The only sensible talk 18Brumaire has heard so far is letting the whopping taxcut that Bush and his toilet bowl cleaner at the Fed Greenspan allowed for the rich, die on the vine. And the taxes forgiven return to the public coffers. Calpers the California teachers union which has billions to invest has put hedgefunds on warning that they are loathe to pay high fees which buoy up fat pay packets for incompetent senior managers. It's about time that the elite get their financial wings cut, and the Democrats set forth a programme to narrow the growing income gap between the ordinary worker and the ceo...340 per cent separates them in pay!
This country is ready for change, everyone says so. But no one has a clear idea. Unless there is a groundswell from below and a meeting of the minds with the electoral base, we're going to get the same old, same old baloney.

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