Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free Enterprise for the poor, Socialism for the rich

As the US slouches deeper and deeper into recession, the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has finally awakened to the seriousness of bad times ahead for the ordinary American. And members of Congress, too. America has been living in a happy state of assuming that get harm would come to them. And if perchance it did, the God up high would take care of them. Well, the deity isn't nor the ruling clique for that matter. A rescue package that eventually will come out of the houses of Congress, will look first to rescue the ineffecient corporations and the fat smelly bankers and the oil lobbists who look for nothing but a good feathering of their bed. There is little joy awaiting the ordinary working sod, but more unemployment, more jobs being shipped overseas, growing impoverishment, and no safety net for healthcare, pensions, and savings for old age.
It is the same old sorry story in the heat of the cancerous subprime mortgage meltdown. It is more and more of the same old tried and true baloney which Americans are served up on stale rye bread smeared with a good dose of rancid butter. Do not be surprised if they are called spendthrift, they're damned for living beyonds their meagre means, they're stupid or ignorant, they live for today but are improvident when it comes to tomorrow...and so go the old refrains. They are urged to tighten more and more a worn belt, because they do not know how to manage income, are lacking in the simplest of the abc's of the capitalist system, and on and on and on and on it goes the pointed finger of the scold.
On the other hand, it is the ruling classes and hanger ons who fit the bill nicely of what the poor, average working stiff is blamed for. Yet, they deserve our sympathy, our pity, and the largesse of the working stiff's taxes; they are spared the burden of paying taxes for the wealth they have. Let's call them what they are--blood suckers who have fed and are feeding on a bloated American economy, and who think feces of theirs smell with the sweetness of rose attar! They have no more wisdom in the current state of the economy than Dean Swift's philosophers on the island of Laputo who fail in turning their shit into gold. However our plutocrats have performed that miracle...they've managed to turn fecal matter in gold and huge incomes.
It's time that the Democratic candidates for the presidency come up with good plans for dealing with the deep recession they're going to inherit from the mini mouse Bush & his croney capitalists. FDR came into office with 'there is nothing to fear but fear itself', and then proceeded to betray his class, equalise income distribution among Americans, and bring about fundamental changes. These changes since the days of the satanic Ronald Reagan have been rolled back. It is time to push the rich theives back to the wall, and cry, open your wallets and pay your fair share...and what's more throw them in gaol for the crimes and misdeme[a]nors of economic murder on the American body politic.

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