Thursday, January 31, 2008

Vampire Bush's smells blood in Medicare

Vampire Bush smells fresh blood in Medicare. He's talking about cutting back on America's weak national health programme for seniors, to balance a US budget out of whack, thanks to his war in Iraq, his regime's corruption and incompetence, and his featherbedding the rotten, stinking class of capitalists. The humbugging nature of his policies are more pernicious than even, owing to the economic crisis which is eroding the financial ground on which his vermin class stands on. So once again to favour them, he's willing to attack the poor and the elderly, the hardworking poor and the savaged middle classes, to maintain these bloodsuckers in a style of life they think is theirs by divine right. But the mood in the land is changing, and mini mouse Bush is a lame duck, although like a wounded bull elephant he remains dangerous till he's booted out of the White House in January 2009. Sucking the strength out of Medicare is tantamount to declaring war on the Baby Boomers who are edging very quickly over 65. His 8 years in office meet the condemnation with apologies to W.H. Auden for they are the 'lowest dishonest 8 years' of any sitting president. A pox on his house! Cursing this dry drunk won't do, but organised dissent and action will stop this martinet in his tracks!

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