Monday, January 7, 2008

Experience counts & wishing won't make it so

Governor Richard in the last of many debates among Democrats running for their party's nomination for the presidency, spoke the truth when he said, 'experience counts'. Senator Hillary Clinton reinforced the message by say, 'it takes hard work to get things done'. But you wouldn't believe it by the repetition ad nauseum of hope and change and change and hope. And what's more, it's great to feel good again as Americans. And there in a nutshell we have the touchy feely individualism which is fed to Americans from the cradle to the grave.
If the package has shiny wrapping paper and tied with a nice big red, white, & blue ribbon...well what more do you expect. Much more that the pious beating of breasts and the mantra of change which reminds you of those seeking the holy grail.
Let's face it. The American people deserve much better than the 8 years of Bush's engineered war and croneyism and impoverishment of everyone but his class of super rich blood suckers.
Senator Edwards is a practical man, and he has set forth a programme worth supporting. Senator Obama has a smooth tongue, but has rebacked his old speech which he delivered at the last Democratic party convention when Senator Kerry was nominated. He is full of pieties and fine words. He is not one to pull punches but when all is said and done he is as much a social conservative or perhaps slightly more than Governor Huckabee.
If Edwards says Clinton represents the same old, same old. Voters should look at the advisors to all the Democratic candidates. And surprise, surprise...they are the same old boys and girls networks from yes the Carter and Clinton administrations. If that ain't the same old, same old, 18Brumaire doesn't what is!
We need a solid programme for domestic ills--health care, jobs, education, environment, taxing the bloated rotting fish of millionaires, billionaires who get away with murder on the irs charts, and tax the corporations which export jobs abroad; on the policy front, the us has two wars on its hands--we are not speaking of the proxy wars it supports in Somalia, for example--no Democratic nominee can escape being a wartime president, but judging by what Senator Obama says, he will have a nervous finger on the nuclear button, and will engage in pre emptive war as did mini mouse Bush.
Posturing won't bring about change, experience and hardwork will. And until that message sinks in with the electorate, heaven help us all!

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