Saturday, January 19, 2008

Obama cast as Ronald Reagan

Barak Obama spoke glowingly of the sainted Ronald Reagan who saw the signs of the times, offered hope, and went on to drive the US into stagflation, illegal arms dealing with Iran to fund a secret war in Nicaragua, and live to see the 1987 krash of the stock market. A fund and fun loving man who took government off our backs, but turned America more into a welfare pool for the rich, whilst the rate or taxpayer shelled out more money and saw the rusting of his town's industry, the collapse of his roads and the deteroriation of his schools, and the sharpening of ethnic and racial strife, and push the country into further militarisation.
Obama spoke highly of Reagan because he offered hope! Obama suffers from the American disdain for history or for delving deeply into the policies of Herr Reagan, who after he left the White House didn't think it unethical to accept a us$3m bribe by Sankai a right wing Japanese media conglomerate with interests in the US. Is Obama that naive? It seems so. He likes to think of himself as a uniter. Although he may bring people from all walks of life together, in political terms to keep them together he has to favour the more conservative element. And reading his speeches and his campaign literature, this concern bears itself out. Leahy from Vermont called him a second Bobby Kennedy...that's wrong...Obama has the aura of a JFK who as the record shows was a weak president who was forced to the wall to act. And that is how Obama will govern if elected president.

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