Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Horror in Kenya

The chaos following the jiggled elections in Keyna makes the world sit up in wonder. Freud speaks of humans' ability to forget. And certainly, it appears that the human mind forgets quickly, or to put it another way, if it ain't in my hood, it ain't worth worrying about. And yet Shi'ites kill Sunni who in turn pay in kind. Hotel Rwanda brought Don Cheadle an Oscar as Tinseltown patted itself on the back for bringing to the silvver screen yet another horror story. Communal voilence is as old as human history. It is not a labour of Hercules to unearth them easily. The Turks deny the murder of Armenians but get huffy puffy when the French parlement pass a law saying Turkey committed genocide. The Germans at least have had, manu militari, to come to terms with killing Jews, and less so for murdering communists, socialists, Christians who defied Nazism, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled, and Gypsies. In the 1990's we have Serbs killing Albanians in Kosovo; Serbians, Croats; Croats, Serbians. And lest we forget to leave off this laundry list of ethnic or confessional or communal or tribal slaughter, the Israelis who kill without blinking an eye Palestinians.
So dear world of wonder, world of surprise, it's no use wring one's soap cleansed hands over these killings, do something if you've the political will

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