Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sarkozy, the Middle East, nuclear energy, and Israel

Nicolas Sarkozy does not do things halfway. He is presently visiting Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. He is doing this to renew France's traditional ties with the Arab world which go back to the days of Napoleon. One way to look at his thrust into the Middle East is to cynically remark that he is chasing Petro dollars or Euros for France's industries. But that is obvious and to be expected. On the other hand, he is offering France's know how in building nuclear plants for the peaceful use of atomic energy. Who says peaceful use might leap to the conclusion that such knowledge will lead to the military use of the atomic. Which should give Israel much cotton to thread, since it is the only nuclear military power in the region which it denies. And it has twice bombed its neighbours ventures into nuclear energy--first in Iraq in 1982 and in 2007 in Syria whom it suspected without a shard of truth of building a nuclear plant for military purposes.
18Brumaire can play the devil's advocate in saying that it was the French Socialist Guy Mollet who first gave Israel the abc's of making nuclear weapons at the time of the pre emptive strike by Israel, France, and the United Kingdom against Nasser's Egypt for his daring to daring to nationalise the Suez Canal. France took Israel's side for she saw Nasser's hand in the raging war in Algeria the origins of which were homegrown and the result of Paris' colonial policies there. So in an ironic turn, Sarkozy is righting a political wrong by offering Qatar and the UAE means to use atomic energy for peaceful use. Saying this, it should strike terror in the hearts of the Israeli who act with impunity in the region to scare its neighbours and crow like the cock of the walk. But already the knell is tolling for Tel Aviv.
And such is the thrust of Nicolas Sarkozy's walk among the gulf states.

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