Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A us$1 trillion subprime mortgage bill to pay

The International Monetary Fund have come out with a ballpark figure of us$1 tillion as the bill to pay for the subprime ponzi scheme collapse. This is a conservative guesstimate since no one but no one really knows the extent and the depth of the mortgage fallout. And now the toilet bowl cleaner Alan Greenspan who is responsible for his lazy oversight of the US financial markets fesses up to the open secret that the US is in recession; oh cock, it's not only the US, the recession is infecting the whole world financial markets. This recession will be long and wreck havoc especially among the lower and poorer will mean a slide down the social scale of the middle classes but the super rich will somehow survive the fallout since it is they who pull the strings. Already food riots have broken out across the globe, mainly in what is euphemistically called the developing world, but the spike in food prices is tightening belts in the first world or developed economies. If this subprime virus does not lead to a depression it won't be from trying, but from the hit and miss policies of the oligarghs [sic] who are at the levers of command of the economy. At such times without a political movement which can challenge market fundamentals and offer a credible alternative, we are stuck with the old, tried, and true and exhausted solutions which won't do the trick. That and waiting for the rising and the ebbing of the serious repression. Out of desperation, the masses will look for a saviour on a white horse...a dictator who won't improve their lot one whit.

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