Friday, April 4, 2008

Dumbing down America 101

Syms an American clothier have a wonderful tag: 'an educated consumer is our best [customer]'. In 7 little words, it says it all. An educated consumer is a buyer bewared. But tell that to the media who are slashing at large hachet swings news reporting. Little wonder the average American lives in a la la land of glitter and vacuity which passes for news. Little wonder America's children cannot even locate American cities on a map. Little wonder...indeed! A dumb America is easier to control, and the ruling class knows that full well. They make sure the gnats they spawn have full and complete access to the best education so as to perpetuate a class of bloodsuckers and hanger ons and croneys, and sponges, and nasty people who believe they're to the manor born. In a sense, they are, but what they have is not a right nor a privilege...oh where are the common men and women to rise up and overthrow this class of man eaters who feed on the body America? They are here and there and everywhere but know not their strength, nor have they coalesced yet into a powerful army to overthrow Herr Bush & his ilk...

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