Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jimmy Carter sails into rough waters

Former president Jimmy Carter is never one to shun controversy. This time, he's preparing to meet in Damascus Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal. The US department of state is urging him not to. But Carter will not listen to them, for he is an equal opportunity listner, and is more interested in calming the waters of rising tensions than mouthing the old, dry platitudes of Herr Bush and his Israeli praetorian guards who keep yelling 'terrorists'. It is quite telling that the US government values little the great service Carter has already rendered his country and its people. America's collective memory has the life span of a firefly. It flickers brightly one moment and the next it dies. Doesn't anyone recall how in the early 1990's Carter went to Pyongyang, met with Kim Il song, and through his negotiations stayed president Clinton's hand on pressing the nuclear button. His trip ushered in an era of direct negotiations with North Korea until Herr Bush broke them off. Carter has of recent date been in the eye of a storm which Israel and its acolytes in America have fanned to great intensity. He had apartheid in his title of a book about coming to a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. Had anyone bothered to read the book, he would've known from page 1 of Carter's deep and personal commitment to the safeguarding the Zionist state. Yet he is critical of Israel's policy to reduce Palestinian territory to bantustans which have the sour odour of South Africa's apartheid policies.
Carter is an arch realist. There can be no progress between Israel and the Palestinians unless they engage Hamas which Israel is loathe to do. No one really cares in Isreal or in Washington to stay Israel's open warfare against Hamas in Gaza. It is not in Israel's interest for Hamas is the bone of contention which sticks in the Zionists' caw and delays plans to complete and total annexation of all Palestinian territory it covets, leaving small islands of Palestinians hemmed in an open air prison. Israel little realises that by absorbing the lion's share of the west bank conquered territories it is in the process of destroying the Jewish state, for it will have more Arabs than Jews. So much for the plans of the mice in Tel Aviv who will live to see the day they destroy the so called Jewish homeland.
It is much to Carter's credit in face of stormy political weather, he is ever ready to venture forth in his mission to bring peace and do it non violently. The man deserves our thanks and wishes of good luck.

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