Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Israeli moles in the US

Ben-Ami Kadish a US citizen is out on a us$300.000 bail, and is charged with supplying nuclear and other military secrets to US' very close ally, the ties to which is almost incestuous. Kadish is 84, but suddenly we find out that his Israeli handler a certain Yagur skipped out of the US at the time Jonathan Pollard and his wife Anne were arrested for passing military secrets to Israel. Pollard is serving a life sentence although his friends in pro Israel circles in the US have tried unsuccessfully to have him pardoned much to the Pentagon's strong and overriding voice against it. Wife Anne is now living in Israel, and feted as a warrior hero's wife. Ben-Ami Kadish we learn, has never broke contact with Yagur, and now almost a quarter century after Pollard's arrest the FBI has taken him into custody, yet despite the serious of the crime which includes a long prison sentence and even the death penalty, he is walking the streets of his New Jersey town free. He has surrendered his passport and has to appear in court in late May 2008. What has taken the FBI so long to nab this 'spy'? Pollard had contacts with him; Kadish as a mechanical engineer working on highly secret projects, took documents to his home where Yagur photographed, and in the morning, he returned them to the proper folders. The dots were there to connect Kadish to Pollard and to their handler Yagur, so why is he arrested now? This arrest raises questions about the reliability of Israel as an ally, and a nation which the US forsaking its own citizens funds militarily and economically to the tune of billions of dollars a year, which are promptly forgiven. Washington has swept under the carpet an investigation of an Israel attack on a US ship in the Mediterrean almost 4 decades ago, which left several dead. Now with the Kadish spy case in the headlines and in the world press, it is time to re evaluated and reassess US relations with Israel and downgrade them appropriately. Israel is strong enough to defend itself without American help. Israel is a goliath today, not the weaking it pretends to be! It's a wolf in sheep's clothing and dangerous to peace in the Middle East.

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