Thursday, April 17, 2008

The moral cowardice of Tabi Mbeki

Tabi Mbeki would be the last to throw his weight in talking softly and quietly to the White South African government. He would laugh in one's face at the lack of courage in condemning apartheid; he would push for stiff sanctions till Pretoria threw in the towel. But today Tabi Mbeki is as docile as a lamb when it comes to Zimbabwe. He's a practioneer of quite diplomacy and don't rock the boat ism in dealing with Robert Mugabe. Mbeki who has a bad odour in his own ANC, has proven weak spined in confronting the brutual government in power in Harari. South Africa is the major power in the region yet Mbeki is unwilling to put muscle into confronting Mugabe. He has proven a weak reed and a man who uses double moral standards. He deserves strong disapproval and has proven a coward.

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