Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Modesty doesn't become the rich investment bankers

Whereas the anal hairstylist Hank Paulson is trying to bring a semblance of order in rocky and turbulent world of high finance, reform or acts of contriction of the super pooh bahs of America's finance capital are coming up short. Look at Blank[en]fein who took over from Paulson at Goldman. He plonked down us$32m for an apartment at 15 Central Park West, where Sanford Weill lives. The disgraced Jimmy Cayne took his ill gains and bought two apartments at the refurished Plaza Hotel on Central Park South. The average joe and jane are told to rein in expenditures and change poor buying habits, but not the bloodsuckers whose very banks brought us the subprime ponzi scheme and subsequent meltdown and set the global financial markets and world economies a shaking. Once again we have a corrupt, syphlitic ruling class who preach do as I say, but not as I do. And we end up paying dearly for their incompetence, greed, vices, and economic veneral diseases.

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