Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Obama and Iraq and Iran

Barak Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, in his questioning of general Petraeus [what a nice sounding Latin name raising visions of sugar plum visions of the might of the Roman Empire] on America's policy in Iraq, pinned the tail on Herr Bush's donkey. Obama is quite conservative but he is bright enough to see that the hand of Iran will steady and yes save the failed US occupation of Iraq. He simply asks that if Maliki the US front guy who is heading the Iraq government can welcome and talk with Iran's president without feeling any discomfort, why cannot Herr Bush? A sensible, straightforward, realistic question to which he got a chuckleheaded answer. What is certain today is that Herr Bush's occupation of Iraq which is following by the numbers occupation by any colonial power of yore, has not only increased Iran's influence in Iran but has turned the Islamic Republic of Iran into a major player in the Arab world. And that's the truth! Obama recognises this reality and wants the US to begin from there arranging something which would extricate Washington from Herr Bush's mess. We know Herr Bush is playing for time...simply listen to the wooden answer Petreaus and the US ambassador to Baghdad Crocker spat out before congressional committees. In brief, we shit on our parade, now you the next president, clean it up!

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