Friday, April 11, 2008

Bush's authorian rule

Nothing will dilute the deleterious reign of Herr Bush during his two terms in the Oval office. He has ripped up constitutional authority and imposed his own rule of weak tea fascism. His new attorney general Mukasy says the US military has the right to disregard the average American's civil liberties; Herr Bush circumvents advice and consent of the Senate on foreign matters by a sleight of the tongue making Orwell's 'newspeak' look like a kindergarten exercise. And yet the American public who poll after poll suggest are not happy with Herr Bush's rule remain as placid and calm as sheep being led to slaughter. Such is the result of progressive defanging of politics in the US, and the rule of the corporate and military and yes their hired hands in Congress who perpetuate an authoritarian rule which is impoverishing the country and turning the clock back to the mean days of 19 century America.

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