Monday, April 28, 2008

Are markets relatively stable?

Judging by the fierce pace at which big bracket banks are raising equity in order to cushion the billions, they're going to have to write down at June 2008's end, 18Brumaire doesn't think so. Siphoning off huge amounts of liquidity will force smaller banks either to go belly up or call upon the central government, in this case the US Federal Reserve to rescue them from themselves. The Fed is always weighing a quarter point reduction in interest rates, but that won't help since it will fuel inflation. Band aid efforts of the US Treasury and Fed won't do much even in the medium term. Sweeping reform which translates into regulating markets has to to come into play. Already the bankers and mortgage lenders are screaming bloody murder since even a hint of regulation will derail the way they do business as usual. And doing business as usual without a care in the world which brought them big gains and profits, also sired the subprime meltdown. It's time to hold these mental midgets' feet to the fire, and go about the business of real reform.

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