Monday, April 14, 2008

Arms & the man & religion & Barak Obama

The pack of wild politicians are yapping at the heels of the junior senator from Illinois. As he put it, he didn't phrase what he said about demoralised Americans who cling to the cold comfort of a weapon or religion, things they know well enough for mean survival. America is not used to a contender for the White House who speaks forthrightly. Americans are not only demoralised, they are depolitised, and react by the instinct for survival by seeking refuge in self protection [guns], or hitting out at the foreigner [illegal and legal immigrats] or seek succor in the bible. Obama is simply stating a fact. The times are parlous; Herr Bush doesn't give a tinker's damn about the ordinary joe or jane who may very well have cast a vote for him; he has favoured his class of croneys, corrupt politicians, big industrialists, and coupon clippers. Obama simply has drawn us to the truth as the economy sinks in the west owing to the subprime ponzi scheme collapse, bad economic news, rising food prices, higher unemployment, and hardly a penny saved for a rainy day.
Mme Clinton has jumped on the bandwagon to say, oh, sweet man, how out of touch you are, how elitist, how condescending...Tug boat admiral McCain who is ever adrift in la la land joins in the tut tut tutting. The snarky William Cristol with great portentiousness resurrect Karl Marx from a deep grave, to repeat the tried but true comment that religion is the opium of the people...he who has little feeling for these very same people.
Americans have the horrible habit of not looking the truth in the face. They prefer perfumed sentiments and words; they will swallow lotuses to forget reality. And when a man like Barak Obama comes along, a man of deep religious faith, 18Brumaire hastens to add and human concern, sticks a finger in the eye of puffery, and says what is as plain as the nose on one's face, down on him comes the brickbats of pious hypocrisy. And that's the truth!

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